Scheduling Goals:
Our goal in scheduling is to be efficient and to respect the time of all our patients in treatment. We understand that most of our patients have obligations during the day, usually involving work or school.
When orthodontic treatment begins, you will see us every six to 12 weeks, and some of these appointments will inevitably conflict with work or school schedules. Our goal is to minimize these inconveniences as much as possible. In order to achieve this goal, we have established the following scheduling guidelines.
Procedure Appointments like Placing and Removing Braces
The process of getting braces put on and taken off requires a longer appointment (usually greater than one hour). We schedule these appointments in the morning when the children are fresh, and to allow Dr. Bieszki adequate time to spend with each patient to ensure optimum quality in the practice.
These appointments are Doctor Procedure appointments and are made at times that allow Dr. Bieszki to focus his talents only on your child. This ensures that you or your child will receive the best care possible at Macomb Orthodontics.
Adjustment appointments
During these periodic brief appointments, we will make technical adjustments to your braces to get you that great smile we promised. We attempt to schedule these appointments in the afternoon, and are able to have longer intervals between appointments due to the high-tech braces we use in our office.
Even though some of these appointments will occasionally occur during work and school, they are necessary, and we are happy to provide you with a written excuse slip to avoid an unexcused absence from work or school. Keep in mind that most of your appointments at Macomb Orthodontics will be accomplished in the after-school hours.
Rescheduled Appointments
While every appointment is vital to the success of your treatment, we understand that certain circumstances may cause you to change or overlook an appointment. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call us as soon as possible to reschedule. We will offer you the first available appointment at your convenience.
How To Keep Your Treatment On Schedule
- Keep regular appointments
- Maintain good oral hygiene
- Be careful what you eat to avoid broken appliances
- Follow Dr. Bieszki’s treatment instructions exactly (including wearing rubber bands)
- Follow through with recommended treatment and referrals